by Ric Vatner | Sep 1, 2010 | Breaking Up, Featured Post, Love and Relationship, The Man – A Philosophical Novel, Western Philosophy
Updated March 28 2023 I received the following question in the comments section of the article entitled “The Philosophy of Breaking Up” and I felt it deserved a more prominent and considered reply. However, I am acutely aware of my own shortcomings in some aspects of...by Guest Post - Susan LI | Jun 22, 2010 | Breaking Up, Featured Post, Guest Posts, Life - Confronting Life's Challenges, Love and Relationship, Philosophy in Daily Life
Updated 5-4-23 Reader Comments on Shadow in the Flame I value all our reader comments and I know that many of you read them as much as you do the articles. They all contribute a tremendous amount towards making this blog the community it has become. However, from time...